Programma Duikvaker 2025

The Manta Trust

TEC Duikvaker nieuwsbrief header



Stage 3

Dit kan je verwachten

Uncover the mysteries of the ocean’s gentle giants, manta rays! In this talk, we’ll learn about these charismatic rays: including amazing facts about their biology, where to swim and dive with them, what threats they face, the Manta Trust’s efforts to save manta rays, and how you can get involved.

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Deel dit bericht

Bex Carter

Bex Carter

Bex Carter is Director of Conservation Programmes for the Manta Trust; a UK-registered charity working globally to conserve manta rays, their relatives and their habitats. A passionate scuba diver and freediver, Bex has worked in marine conservation for nearly fifteen years and has spent time conducting field research on manta rays in French Polynesia, the Maldives and the Mexico Caribbean.

Informatie Duikvaker


1 februari 2025 van 10.00 - 18.00 uur

2 februari 2025 van 10.00 - 17.00 uur

Expo Houten
Meidoornkade 24
3992 AE Houten

Duikvaker wordt georganiseerd door The Exhibition Company •
IBAN: NL77 RABO 0341 4557 41 • KvK: Utrecht 30122269 • BTW: 803128046B01