Dive more often 2025 program

Underwater photography, the perfect picture underwater!

The perfect picture underwater



Stage 2

This is what you can expect

How do you keep the light under control? How do you combine aperture, shutter speed and ISO into a perfectly exposed photo? I will explain as much as possible about aperture, shutter speed and ISO in a short time. How you can combine these things to gain as much control as possible over your exposure. The exposure of your subject, but also the exposure of the background in your photo. This way you can determine for yourself whether the water in the background of your photo is blue or black.

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Jantina Scheltema

Jantina Scheltema

Information Duikvaker 2023

Opening hours

February 1, 2025 from 10am - 6pm

February 2, 2025 from 10am - 5pm

Expo Houten
Meidoornkade 24
3992 AE Houten

Duikvaker is organized by The Exhibition Company

info@exhibitioncompany.nl • www.exhibitioncompany.nl
IBAN: NL77 RABO 0341 4557 41 • Chamber of Commerce: Utrecht 30122269 • VAT: 803128046B01