Presentation: Manta rays: the secret life of the gentle giants of our oceans

Manta rays and without doubt one of the most charismatic creatures of our oceans and the dream encounter of every diver! The life of these animals though has only been studied since a couple of decades and much is still to learn about the biology of these giants. Through this presentation the audience will be introduced to the mysterious life of a manta ray and learn curious and fascinating aspects about their biology. This talk will answer questions such as how did manta rays evolve? How and what do they eat? How do they reproduce? Where can they be found? Part of the presentation will also be dedicated to highlight the threats these animals face, such as the direct fishing industry that exist in some parts of the world and the unsustainable tourism that developed in others. Finally, we will present the Manta Trust, an NGO dedicated to the research and conservation of these animals, highlight what has been done to improve the protection of manta rays and the current conservation status of these species. Most importantly we will also discuss what everyone can do, as a diver, to help ensuring the long-term survival of manta rays globally.
Niv Froman
Research officer at the The Manta Trust, a NGO dedicated to the research and conservation of manta rays, their relatives and their habitats
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Manta rays and without doubt one of the most charismatic creatures of our oceans and the dream encounter of every diver! The life of these animals though has only been studied since a couple of decades and much is still to learn about the biology of these giants. Through this presentation the audience will be…
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