General Terms and Conditions Diver
The fair is organized by The Exhibition Company BV, hereinafter referred to as 'organiser'. Article 2. Participation and payment
2.1. Participation in the fair is strictly personal and may under no circumstances be transferred without written permission from the organizer.
2.2. The applicant cannot rely on the fact that his registration has been granted verbally by the organizer, nor can the exchanged correspondence serve as proof of such acceptance.
2.3. The applicant cannot assert any right to exhibition space at this fair until the organization has received the appropriate copy of registration for this fair, signed by the applicant, at its office.
2.4. After receipt of the registration form and after the organizer has decided whether or not to accept the participant, an invoice will be sent to the participant, which must be paid within 15 days after invoicing and at least 30 days before the start of the fair. In other words, the participant can only be admitted to the fair after payment of the amount due. Payment by check or credit card is not possible.
In the event of late payment, the organizer has the right to allocate the selected seat to another participant, without this giving rise to any recourse or compensation.
2.5. The prices mentioned are exclusive of VAT.
2.6. The applicant declares that he will accept all consequences arising from the signing of the registration form, even if this is signed by a person who is not authorized to sign.
2.7. Signing a registration form implies the obligation to use the allocated stand no later than 30 minutes before the opening or start of the fair and to keep it in good condition until closing.
If the furnishing has not yet started at an allocated stand, the day before the opening or the start of the fair at 12:00, the organizer reserves the right to assign it to another person, without the original tenderer being required to do so. any compensation is given. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the organization.
2.8. Participants must be present at the stand during the opening hours of the fair. If the participant is not present on one of the exhibition days, the organization is entitled to take measures at the participant's expense to furnish the stand in an acceptable manner. Article 3. Reservation right to refuse exhibition participants
3.1. The organizer has the right to reject a trade fair participant application on the basis of oversubscription or, if necessary, without stating reasons. Failure to comply with the fair regulations may be a reason for the organizer to remove participants from the fair without refund of the stand rent.
3.2. Rejection of the registration will never entitle the organizer to any compensation as a result of such rejection by the applicant or third parties allegedly suffered resp. damage suffered.
Article 4. Excluded products
4.1. The following products are not allowed in the exhibition complex: flammable and in general all goods that are considered dangerous or a nuisance for participants or visitors by the fire brigade, the hall lessor or the organization. No easily combustible materials may be used for the construction and covering of the stand space as well as for decorative materials. When using combustible fabrics for the covering of the stand, these must be impregnated with an adequate fire-resistant coating. Participants are obliged to make the packaging of their goods non-combustible and to keep it in a closed space at the stand. The storage and use of bottles with liquid gas within the buildings is not permitted. The organizer and the fire brigade can grant an exemption from this prohibition for demonstration purposes at the relevant request.
4.2 It is also prohibited to exhibit or distribute photos or printed matter of a political nature or other documents, which the organizer believes are contrary to the reputation and success of the event.
Article 5. Fire brigade and safety regulations
5.1. All exits, passageways, aisles, emergency exits, stairs, etc. may not be blocked in any way, in whole or in part.
5.2. All fire extinguishers, hydrants and valve pits must always remain visible and immediately accessible.
5.3. The participant is obliged to immediately follow all instructions by the organiser, hall lessor and/or fire brigade.
Article 6. Rental of stand and stand space
6.1. Before taking the stand into use, the participant or the delegate will present proof of full payment of the exhibition costs.
6.2. Participants must personally acquaint themselves with legislation, regulations, taxes, copyrights, permits, insurance, etc.
6.3. By signing the registration form, the participants acknowledge that they have been informed of all favorable and unfavorable conditions of the space or pitch accepted by them. Since the exhibition takes place in existing buildings, the allocated places must be accepted in the condition in which they are.
6.4. The participants will be allocated a place by the organizer that corresponds to the nature of the company and the agreed surface area. The organizer takes the individual wishes of the participants into account as much as possible.
6.5. The m2 price includes the general hall lighting, heating of the hall and the use and cleaning of the toilets.
6.6. If your own stand construction is used, it must fall within the dimensions that apply to the standard stands, i.e. 2.50 m high, and have a professional character. The standing walls must be made of sturdy material (eg wood or plastic). (Party) tents, tarpaulin or fabric are not allowed. If the height of the stand is not equal to the aforementioned standard height, you must ensure the correct finish yourself. You must submit your building plans to the exhibition organizer for inspection no later than four weeks before the start of the fair. All designs require organizer approval. The organization reserves the right to refuse non-professional stands on the construction day.
6.7. It is prohibited to install any material in the walls, floors and trusses of the building. Nothing may be attached to the walls of the rented stands. In the event of damage, the amount will be determined in consultation with the hall lessor and charged to the participant.
6.8. Carpeting and an electrical connection in the stand are mandatory. The electrical connection and the power consumption of the stand is calculated per wall socket suitable for 3 kW., 16 Amp. fused.
6.9. Subletting of stands is not allowed. In that case, the organizer can close the stand immediately, without any right to compensation or refund of the stand fee to the participant.
6.10. Minimum rental floor space is 9 m2. The minimum depth of the stand is 2 meters.
Article 7. Layout of stands
The organizer has the right to close the stand without notice if the participant does not comply with the following conditions:
7.1. The stands and exhibited products must be constructed in such a way that they in no way disfigure the nearby stands or hinder visitors.
7.2. The organization has the right to change or adapt stand sizes or places if there is reason to do so.
7.4. Any demonstration in any way, or carrying out any publicity to attract visitors to a stand, which could be a nuisance to other exhibitors or visitors is prohibited. If the noise level during demonstrations is higher than 60 DB, unless the demonstration is in the interest of all participants, it is obliged to hold it in separate rooms. General presentations from the organization are excluded. Article 8. Maintenance of order
8.1. The hall lessor is responsible for maintaining order within its buildings and grounds. To this end, he will issue such regulations and instructions as he deems useful and necessary in the interest of order and safety and will arrange and limit the opening of his buildings and grounds to participants and visitors in consultation with the organizer. Personnel or authorized representatives of the hall lessor have access to the halls, including the stand space, at all times, provided they have proper identification.
8.2. The participant is obliged to strictly comply with and follow the regulations and instructions referred to in the previous article, as well as other (government) regulations in the interest of order and safety. By mutual agreement, the hall rental company and the organizer are entitled to take such measures as they deem useful or necessary towards the participant who does not or does not fully comply with the obligation described in the previous sentence. These provisions may include full or partial evacuation or closure of the stand space. Finally, they are entitled to regard the participation as terminated with immediate effect with regard to the aforementioned participant. This without releasing the participant from payment of all costs incurred by and for him, including those costs incurred in connection with the termination or the provisions taken, and without the participant being able to claim any compensation for damage in any sense whatsoever. Article 9 .Supply and removal of products
The organizer is not responsible for consignments received, nor for the equipment for the furnishing or construction of the stands, nor for the products or goods on display. The participants are responsible for supplying, unpacking, displaying, packing and disposing of all products intended for them at their own risk and expense. This should be done by themselves or their representatives. During the duration of the fair, no goods may be delivered or removed without prior written permission from the organiser. After dismantling the stand, everything must be completely cleaned up and handed over to the organizer in good condition. The latest time is indicated.
Article 10. Representation
10.1. The participants must ensure that at least one representative with power of attorney is present during the set-up, the normal opening hours of the fair and during the dismantling. This representative must belong to the participant's permanent staff.
10.2. The participants only have access to the fair from one hour before to half an hour after normal opening hours.
Article 11. Participant badge
A free access badge will be issued per 5 m2 of rented stand space, with a minimum of 3 badges and a maximum of 15 badges. If more exhibitor badges are required, these can be ordered, against payment in cash, from the organization of the fair. These badges are for the sole use of the exhibitors and/or their employees and may not be passed on to third parties. The badges must be worn visibly.
Article 12. Seminars
It is prohibited for participants to give seminars, courses or training on the stand or in an area that is part of the stand. This is only possible in the interest of all participants and with written permission from the organiser. In that case, the organizer must be familiar with the content. No access may be charged.
Article 13. Keeping the stands clean
Participants must take care of other cleaning activities themselves so that the stand is brought in a proper condition. This must be done 1 hour before normal opening hours or within half an hour after closing time. You must remove and dispose of non-reusable packaging and all other waste yourself or have it removed by the hall lessor for a fee.
Article 14. Water/telephone
A connection for water or telephone is not always possible. If a connection of water is possible, the following regulations apply: with regard to the connections for the use of water, the exhibitor must follow the instructions and regulations of the organization. There are strict regulations, among other things in connection with the prevention of the Legionella bacteria. The organization reserves the right to subject such activities to its approval. The organization can outsource the work to be performed to a recognized installer.
Article 15. Insurance and liability
The organizer is not liable for damage, by whatever name, directly or indirectly suffered by the participant, his staff or his visitors - loss of profits and damage due to theft, destruction or any other cause whatsoever - if this damage is caused by third parties. The participant indemnifies the organizer against any claim by third parties for damage, by whatever name, caused by the participant himself, his staff or his visitors.
Article 16. Termination
Registered participants who renounce their participation in the fair two months before the start of the fair and within fourteen days after signing the registration form, can claim remission of the total amounts owed, less 10% for the costs incurred. Participants who, for one reason or another, cancel their participation after this date are not entitled to remission of the amounts owed.
Article 17. Unforeseen cases
17.1. If, in the opinion of the organizer, special circumstances justify this, the organizer may change the dates, times and/or exhibition accommodation set for the fair, or decide not to allow the fair to take place.
17.2. Special circumstances referred to in the previous paragraph include market conditions and all other circumstances which, after weighing up the interests, in the opinion of the organizer may jeopardize the success of the fair.
17.3. In all cases not provided for in these regulations, the organizer decides. He also has the right to change and supplement these regulations at any time.
Article 18. Disputes
18.1. All disputes that may arise between The Exhibition Company BV and a participant in connection with participation or these regulations will be settled in accordance with Dutch law by the competent court in Utrecht.
18.2. The Dutch text of the participation agreement, these regulations or any further agreement concluded between the parties as a result thereof is decisive.